If you have tax delinquencies that you cannot pay in full because of a financial hardship, you can request a payment installment plan using MyTax Illinois . Simply log into your MyTax Illinois account and click the Set up a Payment Installment Plan with IDOR link. Use the Sign up Now! button on the MyTax Illinois homepage to activate your account if you do not already have one.
A payment installment plan is an agreement between you and the Illinois Department of Revenue to pay your tax delinquencies using a monthly payment plan. Your monthly payment amount and the length of time that you have to pay is based on your financial condition. To be approved for a payment plan, you must have filed all tax returns through the current date. All outstanding liabilities will be part of the same payment plan. After we process your request, we will let you know if your payment plan is approved.
You also can complete Form CPP-1, Payment Installment Plan Request, to request a payment installment plan. If the payment agreement amount that you are applying for, including penalties and interest, is over $10,000, you must also complete Form EG-13-I, Financial and Other Information Statement for Individuals, or Form EG-13-B, Financial and Other Information Statement for Businesses, as applicable. These forms and instructions are available on the Installment Payment Plan Request webpage.