Indian Economy: A Complete Study Material for Competitive Exams

The Complete Study Material of the “Indian Economy” is segmented into 5 Sections. These sections are; Economic Planning in India, The horizon of Indian Economy, Government Schemes & Programmes in India, Money and Banking and International Agencies and Trade.

May 21, 2020, 18:09 IST

Indian Economy

Indian Economy

The Complete Study Material of “Indian Economy” is segmented into 5 Sections to streamline the learning process for all students who are at a learning stage.

In these five sections, we are covering, how economic planning is the making of major economic decisions. What and how the resources are to be produced and to whom it is to be allocated – by the conscious decision of a determinate authority, on the basis of a comprehensive survey of the economic system as a whole.

This comprehensive Study Material “Indian Economy” is designed with the reference of NCERT books (Principles of Macroeconomics – Std XII, Principles of Microeconomics – Std XII, Indian Economic Development – Std XI) and some more books like Indian Economy: Ramesh Singh & Economic Survey of India etc.

"Indian Economy" A Complete Study Material

1. Economic Planning in India

2. The horizon of the Indian Economy

3. Government Schemes & Programmes in India

4. Money and Banking

5. International Agencies and Trade

Here we have compiled more than 500 Indian Economy Questions with Answers for practice that will solidify your reading.

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